Filming locations for Christopher Nolan’s upcoming adaptation of Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, have been revealed. The film, which will star Matt Damon, Tom Holland, Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, Lupita Nyong’o, Robert Pattinson, Charlize Theron, and Jon Bernthal, will be shot partly in Sicily, specifically on the island of Favignana, which is believed to be where parts of the epic take place. Additional filming locations will include the UK and Morocco.
Shooting in Sicily and Favignana will continue a trend in Nolan’s career, as many of his past films have been shot mostly on location. The Odyssey will be shot using brand-new IMAX film technology and is expected to be Nolan’s most expensive film ever, with an estimated budget of $250 million.
The picturesque isle of Favignana is believed to be where Homer imagined Odysseus and his crew stopping to roast goats and replenish their supplies. The film will continue this trend by incorporating real locations and cutting-edge IMAX technology, capturing the picturesque settings in a way that Nolan has never done before.
The Odyssey is scheduled for release in theaters on July 17, 2026. With its star-studded cast, stunning visuals, and historically authentic approach, this film has the potential to be one of Nolan’s most visually immersive and faithful adaptations of its source material yet.