Mufasa: The Lion King
The beloved Disney franchise continues with Mufasa: The Lion King, a prequel and sequel in one that introduces the CGI version of Simba and Nala’s daughter, Kiara. The story jumps between the past and present, revealing a new direction in the canon story, while still paying tribute to previous works in the franchise.
The film opens with a touching tribute to James Earl Jones, the original voice of Mufasa, who passed away in 2024. Jones’ iconic voice is used to recollection, with the character Mufasa introducing himself to his son ahead of the story’s official start.
The film follows Kiara, who struggles to find her courage, but is reminded by Rafiki’s story about Mufasa’s rise to kingship. As she climbs to the peak of Pride Rock, the storm clouds part to reveal a lion’s face in the clouds, a nod to Simba’s iconic moment from the 1994 movie.
Mufasa: The Lion King is a prequel to the live-action remake of The Lion King, and will explore Mufasa’s early days, his relationship with Scar, and the events that led to their strained dynamic. Timon and Pumba will return, with Billy Eichler and Seth Rogen reprising their roles. Directed by Barry Jenkins, the film is set for release on December 20, 2024, and will feature an all-star voice cast, including Aaron Pierre as Mufasa, and Kiara as Simba and Nala’s daughter.
The film’s use of 2D animation in its climax is a nostalgic nod to the original 1994 movie, and a testament to the enduring legacy of The Lion King. Mufasa: The Lion King is a heartwarming and exciting addition to the franchise, and a fitting tribute to the late James Earl Jones.