The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon reveals why extended versions of the two movies will likely never get a release. In an interview with Collider, Condon mentioned that extended cuts of both movies exist, but there are significant challenges to make them releasable.
One major obstacle is the cost involved in creating the extended versions. Condon notes that it would require a significant amount of money to recreate the visual effects, particularly the CGI of Renesmee, at the same level as before. He also mentions that the process would require a major re-shoot, which would need the involvement of the original cast members, many of whom have since moved on to other projects.
Another issue is the fact that the intense visual aesthetic of the movies makes it challenging to extend them. Adding significant new material would require maintaining the same high level of visual effects, which would be expensive and time-consuming.
In addition, the franchise’s popularity has waned over the years, with the last book in the series being published in 2020 and the last movie being released over a decade ago. Given the lack of recent interest in the franchise, it seems unlikely that the studio would be interested in investing in the extended cuts.
While there are extended cuts of the Breaking Dawn movies, it appears unlikely that they will ever see the light of day. Despite the love for the franchise, it seems that the cost and complexity of producing the extended versions outweighs the potential benefits.