Deadpool is due for an upgrade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and recent hints from his appearance in What If…? may bring this upgrade closer to reality. Deadpool is known for his raw power in the comics, but, unlike his comic book counterpart, his movie version has been relatively tame. This upgrade could be what takes him to the next level and makes him a more formidable hero.
The latest appearance of Deadpool in What If…? showed a character packing a variety of weapons and tech, giving a glimpse into what could be his new, more powerful form. This upgrade could be necessary to keep up with other powerful heroes like Captain Marvel and tech geniuses like Spider-Man.
The MCU is gearing up for a massive culling of its Multiverse, and Deadpool is expected to join the fray. With the TVA calling on him to stop the next major threat, it’s likely that Wade will be given new and impressive powers to aid in this fight. The What If…? finale teased this possibility, and it’s clear that Marvel is considering upgrading Deadpool’s abilities to make him a more formidable hero.
A possible upgrade could include greater use of his already impressive healing factor, increased strength, or access to more advanced technology. Deadpool’s ability to break the fourth wall could also be a major factor in his new role, allowing him to interact with other heroes in a more humorous and unconventional way.
With the possibility of Deadpool getting a major upgrade, the character could become a game-changer in the MCU. His ability to take on even the most powerful foes and his willingness to challenge the status quo would make him a force to be reckoned with. The DCU is also getting its own version of the Deadpool movies with the casting of Jason Momoa as Lobo, and this new development could pave the way for a larger, more ambitious plan to bring both universes together.
In conclusion, Deadpool’s latest appearance in What If…? has given fans a glimpse into what could be a more powerful, more effective version of the character. With his upgrading abilities and technologically advanced arsenal, Deadpool could become a top-tier hero in the MCU, taking on even the most pressing threats.