Title: Packers’ Gutekunst Reflects on Season, Emphasizes Sense of Urgency for Coming Years
Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst spoke with reporters on Thursday, reflecting on the team’s season and looking ahead to the offseason. He acknowledged that this year has had its disappointments, but emphasized the importance of a sense of urgency for the team moving forward.
Gutekunst believes the team’s current roster is equipped to compete for championships, but stresses that it’s time for them to start making sacrifices and committing to winning. He notes that the players’ lives in the National Football League are not long, and it’s crucial to make the most of the opportunities that come their way.
On the defensive side, the Packers made significant strides under new coordinator Jeff Hafley, but one area of concern is the future of cornerback Jaire Alexander. Alexander’s knee injuries limited him to just seven games for a second consecutive season, leaving his future with the team uncertain.
The long-term extension Alexander signed in 2022 was well-deserved, and he backed it up with a Pro Bowl season that year. However, he has struggled with injuries the past two seasons, including a one-game suspension for detrimental conduct. His salary cap numbers are substantial, with a nearly $25 million hit in 2025 and over $27 million in 2026.
Gutekunst said the team is working through the decision of whether to keep Alexander, noting that they can afford to keep him. He acknowledged the frustration both Alexander and the team have felt with his lack of availability, stating that it’s tough on both the player and the organization. However, when Alexander is healthy and ready to play, he’s a valuable contributor to the team.