Danny Glover’s iconic character, Lieutenant Mike Harrigan, was a key part of the Predator franchise in the 1990s. He starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original Predator (1987) and its sequel, Predator 2 (1990). Despite the success of the films, Glover has not reprised his role in any subsequent Predator movies or TV shows.
There have been rumors and fan requests for Glover’s return to the franchise, but so far, there has been no official announcement or confirmation from the actor or the producers. In a 2018 interview, Glover expressed his willingness to revisit the character, stating, “I think it would be fun to do it again. I think it would be fun to play the character again.”
However, Glover has also emphasized the importance of storytelling and the need for a compelling reason to bring back his character. “I think you have to have a good story to tell,” he said. “You can’t just bring back a character for the sake of bringing back a character. You have to have a reason to do it.”
Given the recent resurgence of interest in the Predator franchise, thanks in part to the success of the 2018 film The Predator, it’s possible that we may see Glover return to the role in the future. However, until an official announcement is made, fans will have to continue speculating about the possibility of a Harrigan return.