A Complete Unknown tells the story of Bob Dylan’s rise to fame in the early 1960s. The film follows his journey as he navigates the New York music scene and forms intimate relationships with music icons of Greenwich Village. The film culminates in a groundbreaking and controversial performance that reverberates worldwide.
The movie features Timothée Chalamet as Bob Dylan, with live performances capturing his talent and authenticity. The film’s sound team, led by Ted Caplan, Tod Maitland, Paul Massey, and Donald Sylvester, discussed the challenges they faced while capturing the live performances, revealing that Chalamet pushed for them to happen. The team also highlighted the collaborative process between themselves and director James Mangold.
According to the team, the final performance at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival was chaotic, with people screaming and throwing things. Ted Caplan stated that capturing the sound for that scene was not easy, but it was an essential element of the film. The team stripped down the sounds to highlight the essentials of the scene and the song, using the recorded ambiance as a guide to enhance the audio.
The sound team revealed that they recorded 45 practical period microphones for the film, with Tod Maitland discussing the challenges of capturing live performances on set. He stated that the team’s goal was to create an authentic and immersive experience for the audience, using real instruments and performances.
In an interview, Paul Massey noted that the team made the movie for people who are curious about Bob Dylan, stating that those who love him will likely see it anyway, while newcomers will be captivated by it. Donald Sylvester added that James Mangold is extremely meticulous and demands the highest level of quality in his work, which inspired the team to strive for excellence.
The film has been praised for its portrayal of Bob Dylan’s journey and its technical achievements. It is scheduled to release in theaters on December 25, 2024.