[Black-colored plastic products used in children’s toys, takeout containers, kitchen utensils, and grocery meat and produce trays contain alarming levels of toxic flame retardants, a new study found. The products, which include a pirate coin bead toy that tested positive for up to 22,800 parts per million of flame retardants, are contaminated due to mistakes in the recycling of electronic waste.
The most hazardous flame retardants, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), are found in electronic enclosures on televisions and other electronics. Decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE), a member of the PBDE class, is particularly concerning due to its toxicity and tendency to bioaccumulate.
The study found that 70% of samples tested positive for decaBDE, at levels ranging from five to 1,200 times greater than the European Union’s limit of 10 parts per million. Based on exposure to contaminated black plastic kitchen utensils, researchers estimated that a person could be exposed to an average of 34.7 parts per million of decaBDE per day.
Experts warn that using black plastic for food contact materials or buying toys with black plastic pieces should be avoided. They recommend replacing plastic kitchen utensils with stainless steel options or choosing plastic-free items to reduce exposure to harmful additives and plastics.
Dusting, mopping, and vacuuming regularly can help remove contaminated dust, while frequent hand washing and proper ventilation can also reduce exposure. Avoiding the use of black plastic containers for food storage and not heating them with food can also help.
The study’s lead author, Megan Liu, a science and policy manager for Toxic-Free Future, urges government and corporate policies to restrict the use of flame retardants and hazardous plastics, as well as ensuring that recycling processes do not unintentionally contaminate products with harmful chemicals.
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