Although relatively unknown, the forgotten sequel to Back to the Future continues the story of Doc Brown and presents a new, upgraded version of the DeLorean. The DeLorean, once a failed car in the American market, gained fame when it was featured as the central time machine in the first Back to the Future movie. Its appearance in all three live-action films and other franchise expansions solidified its status as an iconic vehicle in cinema.
The animated series, set after the events of Back to the Future Part III, reveals that Doc Brown converted another DeLorean into a full-fledged time machine after the original was destroyed. The new DeLorean features a voice-activated mode, the ability to travel through both space and time, and can be folded into a suitcase for increased portability.
The animated series explores Doc Brown’s inventions, including the ability to travel to different eras and real-life events from the past. It also showcases the use of the steam locomotive time machine, which was featured in the final moments of the third live-action film. The series is an alternate story, as confirmed by co-creator Bob Gale, and does not affect the canon of the live-action films.
The series focuses on Doc Brown’s family and their adventures using the new DeLorean, highlighting Doc’s ability to innovate and upgrade his inventions. The animated series, with 26 episodes, aired on CBS from September 14, 1991, to December 26, 1992.