As beautiful as The Martian’s alternate ending may seem, it could have potentially ruined the Matt Damon sci-fi movie. Before the film’s release, it had an alternate ending that, although visually stunning, had a major flaw that could have diminished its overall appeal. In this alternate ending, Dr. Mark Watney, played by Matt Damon, delivers a monologue about humanity’s natural tendency to unite and help someone in trouble, explaining how people came together to save him from Mars. The problem lies in how preachy and heavy-handed the scene is, “telling” rather than “showing” the message.
The theatrical ending, on the other hand, portrays Dr. Watney becoming a survival instructor, where he shares his own experiences with astronaut candidates and explains the importance of being willing to solve problems. This subtle approach to conveying the movie’s themes allows the audience to interpret them without being hit over the head with exposition. The original ending also naturally highlights how Dr. Watney’s journey has shown humanity’s innate ability to come together in times of crisis, leaving a more lasting impression on the viewer.
While The Martian’s alternate ending may have still been a hit, the original one’s subtlety and lack of heavy-handedness make it a more memorable and impactful conclusion.