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I Can Handle My Financial Situation
Any number of things can spark money worries, from ballooning credit card debt to unexpected emergency expenses. But the key to overcoming it starts with your mindset, says Aja Evans, a financial therapist and author of “Feel Good Finance.” She advises many of her clients to tell themselves one phrase as much as humanly possible: “I can handle my financial situation.”
No matter how good or bad it is, telling yourself this phrase can remind you that you’re capable of getting through any financial circumstance you find yourself in, Evans says. Here’s how it can help retrain your approach to money challenges.
The power of positive affirmation comes from the fact that our brains are constantly absorbing information and adapting our behaviors accordingly. So, what you tell yourself matters. By repeatedly telling yourself “I can handle my financial situation,” you begin to rewire your brain to respond to money challenges with confidence instead of panic. It also helps you shift away from negative thought patterns around money.
But it’s not enough to simply tell yourself this phrase – you really have to internalize it. “The core of this is that you have to believe it,” Evans says. “That’s what helps fortify you, so when the crisis does come, you truly believe that you can handle it.”
Aside from telling yourself this phrase, Evans recommends writing down previous times you’ve overcome financial struggles. That way, when you tell yourself you can handle anything, you’ve got evidence on hand to back it up. “You’re reminding yourself that you’ve carried yourself through all of your hardest days and you can do it again,” she says.
It’s also crucial to take concrete steps to prepare for the unexpected, such as boosting your emergency fund. “I don’t want anyone thinking that because they’re doing their affirmations, money is just going to drop into their account,” Evans says. “Make sure that you’re safe and secure and financially stable while affirming yourself.”