The upcoming film, Jurassic World: Rebirth, may revive a cut scene from the original novel, Jurassic Park. The scene in question is a thrilling raft sequence where Alan Grant, Lex, and Tim are chased by a T. Rex through the river, which was an exciting and action-packed part of the novel. Despite being a highlight of the book, the scene was cut from the 1993 film adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg.
The novel’s original ending is almost perfect, but it’s not a faithful adaptation of Michael Crichton’s best-selling book. The film trimmed a lot of scenes from the original novel and changed some characters, such as John Hammond, who is portrayed as an avuncular, well-meaning grandfather in the movie, but as a paranoid, egotistical character in the book.
The new film, directed by Gareth Edwards and written by David Koepp, may bring back some of the missing scenes from the novel. In an interview with Variety, Koepp mentioned that they had always wanted to include a specific sequence from the first novel but couldn’t fit it into the original movie. However, with the upcoming reboot, they get to revisit the franchise and include that sequence, which hints at the possibility of the raft scene making a comeback.
Other scenes that could be adapted from the novel include Hammond’s death, which is a memorable and fitting moment, as well as the moment when the characters realize that the dinosaurs bred in captivity are more aggressive and unpredictable than their natural counterparts. Additionally, the scene where Dr. Gennaro takes on a raptor could be repurposed for a new character in the reboot.
While it’s unclear whether the raft sequence is the scene being referred to, there are several options for exciting scenes from the novel that could be brought back to life in the new film. With the help of David Koepp’s screenplay and the expertise of the original novel’s author, Michael Crichton, the upcoming film could be a thrilling and faithful adaptation of the book.