Morpheus is a beloved character in The Matrix franchise, first portrayed by Laurence Fishburne. Fishburne’s powerful delivery and inspirational leadership made Morpheus a memorable figure, and his offer of a red or blue pill has become a meme and a symbol of a choice between security and freedom. Despite his departure from the franchise, Morpheus will continue to appear in The Matrix Resurrections.
The new Morpheus, played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, is not a simple recast. In the film, Neo’s memories have created a program based on his experiences, and this program, Morpheus, is released by Bugs. This Morpheus has the same essence as the original, but it’s not a perfect replica.
Laurence Fishburne did not return for The Matrix Resurrections, and he has not given a specific reason for his absence. When asked about the film, he responded that he hadn’t been invited back, and suggested that he might write another play instead. He also praised the performances of Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss, but his review of the film was lukewarm.
The Wachowskis have not commented on Fishburne’s absence, but it’s possible that they wanted a fresh start with the fourth film and considered budget constraints. Other original cast members, including Mary Alice and Hugo Weaving, also did not return.
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, on the other hand, has proven himself to be a talented actor with a range of roles in movies and TV series. He has already played significant characters in blockbusters like Aquaman and Watchmen, and has shown an ability to play both heroes and villains. His role as Morpheus in The Matrix Resurrections is just one example of his growing talent, and he is expected to continue to excel in his career.