Presence: A Groundbreaking Thriller with a Unique Visual Storytelling Approach
Directed by Steven Soderbergh, Presence is an experimental thriller that tells its story from the first-person perspective of a ghost. The film premiered at Sundance to critical acclaim, with many praising its technical achievements. Despite dividing audiences, Presence brings a fresh and innovative approach to the supernatural thriller genre.
The camera plays a crucial role in the film’s storytelling, often cutting to black between shots. Soderbergh reveals that these cuts are intentional, indicating how much time has passed between scenes. This technique adds depth to the narrative, allowing the director to linger on certain shots and create a lasting impression on the audience.
The film’s simplicity and low-budget production also contribute to its success. Shot using basic equipment, the transitions between shots are kept simple, maintaining the desired visual style. The result is a rich and immersive narrative that sets Presence apart from other films in the genre.
Presence works better as a thriller than a horror, focusing on the ghost’s confusion and purpose rather than relying on scares. The film’s tone is largely due to Soderbergh’s camerawork, which creates a sense of unease and uncertainty.
The film’s editing is also noteworthy, with Soderbergh using the cuts to black to guide the audience through the narrative. This technique is particularly effective, making the film more engaging on a second viewing.
Presence is a unique and groundbreaking film that offers a fresh take on the supernatural thriller genre. With its innovative visual storytelling approach, the film is sure to leave a lasting impression on audiences.