DreamWorks Animation’s Dog Man: A Secret Sequel to a Forgotten Movie
Dog Man, the new animated film from DreamWorks, has finally arrived, and it turns out it’s a secret sequel to a forgotten 2017 movie. Based on Dav Pilkey’s popular book series, Dog Man is an action-packed comedy that brings together a police officer and his canine companion, with the duo getting caught in a deadly explosion and the only way to save them being to sew the dog’s head on the officer’s body, resulting in the ultimate cop: Dog Man.
What’s more surprising is that Dog Man is actually a spinoff of DreamWorks’ 2017 animated film Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie. While the marketing hasn’t explicitly mentioned it, Dog Man is part of the Captain Underpants universe, specifically a comic series written by Captain Underpants’ protagonists, George and Harold.
The connection between the two movies lies in the fact that the Dog Man books are a fictional comic series within the Captain Underpants universe, with 14 mainline entries as of this writing. This means that Dog Man is not a standalone film, but rather a continuation of the Captain Underpants story.
The connection between the two movies was not widely publicized, and fans may not have even noticed the link. However, the partnership between the two franchises offers exciting possibilities for the future, with some fans holding out hope for a potential Captain Underpants sequel if Dog Man succeeds.
Dog Man is set to be released on January 31, 2025, with Peter Hastings directing the film. With its unique art style and wacky comedy, Dog Man is one of the most highly-anticipated animated movies of 2025.