Title: Sonic the Hedgehog 3: 8 Deleted Scenes Reveal More Comedy and Character Development
The digital release of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has revealed eight deleted scenes that fans of the film can now enjoy. These scenes provide additional moments of comedy, character development, and backstory to the beloved characters of the film.
One deleted scene shows Knuckles struggling with a Bea Arthur cake, mistakenly believing the picture on the cake is a wizard. This callback to a previous joke in the film was cut due to being more suited for adult audiences.
Another scene finds Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles donning masks to sneak past GUN soldiers. One soldier requests a selfie, oblivious to their true identities.
Ivo and Gerald Robotnik also infiltrate GUN headquarters, hiding from soldiers behind a set of flags. Their inexperience in using their suits proves to be amusing, as the soldiers walk right by them without noticing.
A deleted scene reveals Gerald’s feisty side as he responds to a hater on Ivo’s live-stream, saying “If I’m a fossil, your mom’s a paleontologist, ’cause she digs me.”
Two more deleted scenes show Ivo and Gerald on a live-stream, with Gerald delivering a quick-witted comeback to a troll and Ivo promoting an energy drink called Berserk.
In the final deleted scene, Ivo live-streams from a space station, cutting a promo for Berserk before Gerald arrives and threatens all the viewers.
These deleted scenes provide a unique look into the world of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and offer more laughs and character development for fans to enjoy.