While the Christopher Nolan trilogy featured some of the best iterations of Batman villains, one key character only appeared in the animated anthology film Batman: Gotham Knight, set between the events of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. This film introduced the character Deadshot, who had the potential to be an incredible villain in the Nolan’s DC world. Despite being introduced to Gotham, Deadshot was never meant to be included in the live-action films, which is a disappointment.
The Batman series depicted a darker, more visceral hero fighting to clean up the city of Gotham, and his struggles to maintain his conscience. This is what made villains like Harvey Dent, who transformed from a hero to a villain, an interesting foil to Batman. Deadshot could have been a similar type of villain who would have been an excellent addition to the Rogues Gallery.
The story of Deadshot’s introduction to Gotham was a highlight of the six short stories in Batman: Gotham Knight, each with its unique plot and animation style. While they were less connected to the Nolan films, Deadshot’s intense and complex character made him ideal for the Nolan’s universe. He had the potential to be a great villain, but unfortunately, he was never included in the live-action films, leaving fans with a sense of disappointment.