Bryan Johnson, a billionaire entrepreneur, is on a quest to live forever. He spends his days monitoring his body with devices that track his heart rate, brainwaves, and erections, all in an effort to slow the aging process and live a longer life. In his Netflix documentary, “Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever,” Johnson shares his story and explains his approach to aging, which involves a strict diet, exercise regimen, and sleep schedule.
Johnson claims that by following his routine, he has reduced his aging rate to 0.64, which means he ages just seven and a half months each year. He has also developed a website,, where people can test their own aging rates and compete with others in the “community.”
Johnson’s journey to achieve longevity has not been without controversy. Critics have labeled him as “eccentric” and accused him of experimenting with unproven treatments, including blood transfusions from his teenage son. Johnson has also faced skepticism from medical professionals, who argue that his approach to aging is unscientific and may even be harmful.
Despite the criticism, Johnson remains committed to his goal of living forever. He believes that it is possible to extend human life through the use of technology and AI, and he is working to develop a new system that will allow people to live longer and healthier lives.
Johnson’s approach to aging is not without its challenges, however. He has to manage his time and energy carefully in order to stay healthy, and he has had to give up many of the things that other people take for granted, such as pizza and beer.
Despite the challenges, Johnson remains optimistic about his future. He believes that his work will ultimately change the world and allow people to live longer, healthier lives.
“I’m trying to create a new paradigm for understanding the world,” Johnson said in an interview. “Death is always inevitable, but I’m asking the question: are we the first generation that won’t die?”