Title: Israeli Tech Entrepreneur’s Startup Rivery Acquired by Boomi for $100 Million, Just 11 Months After Being Wounded in Gaza Conflict
As the Israeli-Gaza conflict raged on, 49-year-old tech entrepreneur Itamar Ben Hemo, who had previously fought in the war in Lebanon, decided to reenlist as a reservist and serve in the Israeli military. But his stint on the front lines took a surprise turn when he was hit by a bullet that evaded his protective vest, causing significant damage to his organs.
Ben Hemo was rushed to the hospital and spent three months in recovery, where he continued to hold company meetings and speak to investors from his hospital bed. Despite the drama, his startup, Rivery, remained operational, with the company’s AI-powered software integration services remaining unaffected.
Rivery’s technology, which integrates software through AI for customer service, marketing, and sales, quickly caught the attention of Pennsylvania-based cloud software company Boomi, which acquired the startup for a reported $100 million. Boomi’s CEO, Steve Lucas, hailed the deal, saying that Rivery’s ability to integrate software in real-time using AI to analyze different data sets made it an attractive addition to their platform.
The deal marks Ben Hemo’s second successful exit as a CEO and founder, a feat that comes with a sense of gratitude, saying, “I have the energy to do this. I’m so excited, we all understand the gift of this opportunity.” Rivery has over 100 employees and 450 clients worldwide, and its acquisition by Boomi is seen as a major coup, solidifying the Israeli tech industry’s reputation for producing innovative and cutting-edge software solutions.
Despite the risks associated with doing business in Israel, which has been under attack from Gaza and faced security concerns, Lucas emphasized that the country’s technology industry remains a significant player on the global stage, with many companies looking to invest in the region. As one of the most successful startups to emerge from Israel, Rivery’s acquisition by Boomi is a testament to the region’s resilience and the ability of its entrepreneurs to overcome even the most trying circumstances.