The Predator franchise has been dormant for several years, with the last film, The Predator, released in 2018. However, with the success of other sci-fi action franchises like Alien and Terminator, there has been renewed interest in reviving the series. One question on everyone’s mind is whether Arnold Schwarzenegger, the original star of the franchise, will return to reprise his role as Dutch.
Schwarzenegger has been vocal about his willingness to return to the franchise, stating in a 2020 interview that he would be “happy” to come back as Dutch. However, the actor has also emphasized that he would only return if the script is “good” and if the story is “exciting”.
The franchise’s current owners, 20th Century Studios, have also expressed interest in bringing back Schwarzenegger. In a 2020 statement, the studio said that they would “love” to have Schwarzenegger back for a new Predator film.
Despite the interest from both parties, there are still several obstacles to overcome before Schwarzenegger can return to the franchise. The most significant hurdle is the franchise’s convoluted timeline, which has become increasingly complicated over the years. The 2018 film, The Predator, ignored the events of the previous films, including the 1990 sequel Predator 2.
Additionally, the franchise’s creative team has undergone significant changes since the last film. The original director, Shane Black, is no longer involved with the franchise, and a new team is currently working on a script for a potential new film.
While it’s unclear whether Schwarzenegger will ultimately return to the franchise, fans are hopeful that he will reprise his iconic role as Dutch. With the right script and a clear direction for the franchise, it’s possible that Schwarzenegger could make a triumphant return to the world of Predator.